Pomeranians can experience breathing issues, often due to their small size & genetic predispositions.

Common breathing problems include:

Collapsed Trachea: This condition occurs when the trachea (windpipe) becomes weak & collapses, leading to difficulty breathing, coughing, & a honking sound.

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome:

Although Pomeranians are not classified as brachycephalic dogs (short-nosed) they are considered mesocephalic (they have medium-proportioned heads).

Pomeranians can suffer from BOAS due to their small size & compact anatomy.

Allergies: Pomeranians can have allergies to various environmental factors (like pollen, dust, or smoke), leading to respiratory issues.

Respiratory Infections: Like other dogs, Pomeranians can suffer from respiratory infections such as kennel cough or pneumonia, which can cause coughing, sneezing, & breathing difficulties.

Heart Problems: Conditions like congestive heart failure can lead to fluid buildup in the lungs, causing difficulty breathing.

Symptoms to Watch For:
Coughing or hacking, especially when excited or after exercise.
Wheezing or noisy breathing.
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
Excessive panting or gasping.
Blue-tinged gums or tongue (a sign of severe oxygen deprivation).

What to Do:
Veterinary Consult: Always consult a veterinarian if your Pomeranian shows signs of breathing difficulties.

Weight Management: Keep your Pomeranian at a healthy weight to reduce strain on the respiratory system.

Avoid Irritants: Minimize exposure to allergens and environmental irritants.

Humidifiers: Using a humidifier can help keep the airways moist and reduce irritation.

Regular check-ups & prompt attention to any breathing issues can help manage & prevent serious complications in your Pomeranian.