As vets we often find ourselves asking “WHERE does it HURT? HOW MUCH PAIN is there? “

“BioTraceIT™ has new, groundbreaking technology called PainTrace®. This technology quantifies pain to lead the path to wellness. Working side-by-side our veterinarians, researchers, & healthcare providers there are many opportunities for PainTrace® to contribute to quality of life, family, & our communities. Pain impacts everyone in many ways.”

Veterinarians can now objectively visualize pain real-time. The fourth vital sign is now quantifiable with PainTrace® a first-of-its kind objective monitoring system that detects, quantifies, & tracks pain in mammals.

“Unlike humans, our veterinary patients cannot verbalize the pain they are experiencing,” said Troy Fowler, Vice-President of Sales, BioTraceIT™.

“PainTrace® will provide veterinarians with a groundbreaking technology to visualize & read direct pain biosignals to help lead the path to wellness.”

PainTrace® communicates the presence of pain, providing a valuable tool to support diagnosis & confirmation of treatment effectiveness. PainTrace® measures patient responses to examinations & treatments aiding in evaluation of love healing & recovery.

Additionally, PainTrace® offers instantaneous real-time measurements of both acute & chronic pain. Monitoring pain over time can potentially lead to early diagnosis & improved overall health.