Shay Shay was suffering from an ugly skin infection. She had large skin wounds/scabs with draining tracts. Her skin tests revealed a combination of mange mites, yeast, & bacteria. Demodex are parasitic mange mites that cause a skin condition called demodicosis

These microscopic monsters live in your dog’s hair follicles & oil glands !

With localized demodicosis, symptoms are usually mild & affect a dog’s face, trunk, or legs. You may notice thinning hair, scaly skin, & the skin itself will appear reddish-brown & look very itchy.

With generalized demodicosis, skin lesions are more widespread & may involve the entire body. Your dog may look scruffy & show signs of hair loss as well as discoloration of the skin.

The good news about demodicosis is that it is NOT contagious to other dogs, cats, or humans!

The treatment goals include killing the mange mites (there are now a variety of safe & effective medical treatment options) & any controlling any secondary skin infections. Resolution of demodicosis is confirmed with negative skin scrapings & improvement of the skin lesions.