When we got Money he was a fantastic addition to our family. He immediately got right in. But when the slightest bit of excitement or playtime happened you could just tell the distress he was in to breathe. His tongue would turn purple & it would take him forever just to be able to calm down & catch his breath. I did some research & found Dr. Man & we couldn’t be more happy & satisfied with a doctor & staff. He was there for us & Money through this entire journey. The difference it has made to Money’s quality of life is priceless. His true personality has come to light. His nose is constantly in action smelling a world I don’t think he ever knew existed. He can play & get rambunctious without struggling to breathe. He can sleep peacefully & you can see just how happy he is now. There are no words to describe our gratitude for the quality of life that was given to Money. He has done a 180 for the better & we couldn’t be happier with his results.