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Simba’s Fear Free Vet Check in Lobby

By |2024-05-31T16:05:36+00:00May 31st, 2024|Fear Free|

Recipe for a Fear Free Vet : Ingredients = 1. Mom heart nearby 2. Exam on Comfy Couch in Lobby 3. Reward for a PAWSITIVE experience 4. Quiet voices 5. Calming Music Life is ALWAYS Better with FOOD ! Watch as Simba enjoys his FEAR FREE The way to a dog’s heart is through the [...]

Jiggly’s Fear Free Ear Check Tip !

By |2024-02-21T11:10:55+00:00February 21st, 2024|Fear Free|

Let’s learn a FEAR FREE Ear Check TIP! At 1st approach of Miss Jiggly Puff her ears & lips became pulled back, her eyes became wide, & she began to resist & thrash as we approached. This told us she was Fearful, Anxious, & Stressed Since this attempt at an ear check with pet parents [...]

Bailey’s FEAR FREE Nail Trim

By |2023-10-03T19:36:31+00:00October 3rd, 2023|Fear Free|

BAILEY the BOXER was SCARED of NAIL TRIMS so we made her experience BETTER with FEAR FREE Methods. Pets need PAY CHECKS for a PAWSITIVE Experience & her payments were made in CHEESE. The Elizabethan Collar she is wearing helps with distraction & focusing her attention on the cheese & her dad during her visit. [...]

Dr. Boaz Man interviewed for Forbes on Melatonin

By |2023-08-23T11:49:39+00:00August 23rd, 2023|Fear Free, Latest News, Pet Tips|

If you’ve had trouble sleeping, you’re likely familiar with melatonin. This naturally-occurring hormone is available as a supplement to help those struggling with sleep issues.. But did you know that dogs can safely take melatonin as well? It can be administered to help with sleep, stress and anxiety and certain other medical conditions, such as [...]

FEAR FREE Cat Vet Check !

By |2023-08-23T11:47:29+00:00August 23rd, 2023|Cats, Fear Free|

Steps of a FEAR FREE black Cat vet check with Mom nearby ! Watch Onyx remain calm as he enjoys being surrounded by pheromones coming from our @feliwaycat diffuser @drboazman shows Onyx’s black Cat FEAR FREE EXPERIENCE that takes place in our CAT EXCLUSIVE ROOM where he can climbing tree & play cat ! A [...]

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